Tuesday, May 15, 2012


God's People Joining Forces Before the Throne on the Behalf of Our Country!

It is time for prayers warrior across the nation to stand together in the gap and turn our faces toward the Lord. Do you have 10 minutes a day to pray for our nation during this time leading up to the national elections in November 2012? Can we afford not to spend 10 minutes a day praying for our nation?


From the Introduction

I have felt God prompting since the first campaign commercial aired. I said, “Yes, Lord, I will do that.” But I didn’t. I continued to grow frustrated with the campaigning, debating, and polling. Day after day passed without me putting any words on paper. God continued to prompt me.

Just start. This is your project. I want you to pray for this country. These are the words I have heard during quiet times and as campaign polls scroll across the television screen and candidates debate issues – over and over again. Yet for months I have still let the time pass without moving forward.

Until I read the notes of a godly woman who passed into eternity recently. As she holds hands with the man she has missed for many years, she worships her Jesus and her words prick at my soul. These words were written on New Year 2002, yet they still ring so true today.

Our country needs prayer warriors, and whether old or young we must pray. The older has more experience in prayer and can teach the younger how to pray in these eventful days. We need to be faithful in our praying. James said, “The fervent prayer of a righteous man (or woman) avails much (I Peter 2:9). I believe God’s prayer warriors are a group of people who are “special” and full of hopes and dreams.
This is not an ebook designed to help you choose a candidate in the upcoming election. It isn’t about politics at all. It is about people being strong by kneeling before a mighty God and asking Him to show us the way. It is about men and women praying openly for God to intervene and do a great work. For 30 days leading up to the election, prayer warriors surrounding the throne of God and pleading for our country, the elected officials, and the voters knowing that only His Grace will make us strong.

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